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Ultra-thin epitaxial orthorhombic ferroelectric Hf0.97Y0.03O2 films on La2/ 3Sr1/3MnO3/SrTiO3 substrate with different orientations.Wang, Q.; Meng, H. Y.; Guo, Y. X.; Wang, Y. K.; Dai, L. Y.; Zhao, J. Y.; Zhao, L. B.; Jiang, Z. D.; Schwarzkopf, J.; Wu, S. L.; Liu, L. F.; Wang, C. M.; Wang, Z. M.; Chu, F.; Wang, Y.; Ren, W.:Niu, G.,Journal of Crystal Growth;(2025), 128043
All-solid-state continuous-wave mode-locked Er:Lu2O3 laser at 3 μ m.Su, C. Y.; Liang, Y. Y.; Nie, H. K.; Zhang, B. T.; Zhang, J.; Liu, J.; Li, T.:Kränkel, C.,Optics and Laser Technology;(2025), 111787
Development and morphological analysis of the zone refining process for high purity germanium.Palleti, P. C.; Gybin, A.; Bergmann, S.; Juda, U.; Albrecht, M.:Sumathi, R. R.,Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing;(2025), 108924
Ferroelectric Hysteresis Measurement in the Lithium Niobate-Lithium Tantalate Single-Crystalline Family: Prospects for Lithium Niobate-Tantalate.Koppitz, B.; Ganschow, S.; Rüsing, M.:Eng, L. M.,Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science;(2025),
Impurity-induced step pinning and recovery in MOVPE-grown (100) β-Ga2O3 film.Chou, T. S.; Rehm, J.; Bin Anooz, S.; Wouters, C.; Ernst, O.; Akhtar, A.; Galazka, Z.; Albrecht, M.; Fiedler, A.:Popp, A.,Applied Physics Letters;(2025), 022101
Optimizing time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry depth profiles of semiconductor heterostructures.Tröger, J.; Kersting, R.; Hagenhoff, B.; Bougeard, D.; Abrosimov, N. V.; Klos, J.; Schreiber, L. R.:Bracht, H.,Journal of Applied Physics;(2025), 025301
Out-Diffusion and Uphill-Diffusion of Mg in Czochralski-Grown (100) β-Ga2O3 Under High-Temperature Annealing and Its Influence on Lateral MOSFET Devices.Chou, T. S.; Tran, T. T. V.; Peelaers, H.; Tetzner, K.; Hilt, O.; Rehm, J.; Bin Anooz, S.; Fiedler, A.; Galazka, Z.; Albrecht, M.:Popp, A.,Advanced Electronic Materials;(2025), 2400342
Programmable Activation of Quantum Emitters in High-Purity Silicon with Focused Carbon Ion Beams.Hollenbach, M.; Klingner, N.; Mazarov, P.; Pilz, W.; Nadzeyka, A.; Mayer, F.; Abrosimov, N. V.; Bischoff, L.; Hlawacek, G.; Helm, M.:Astakhov, G. V.,Advanced Quantum Technologies;(2025),
Solid-Solution Limits and Thorough Characterization of Bulk β-(AlxGa1-x)2O Single Crystals Grown by the Czochralski Method.Galazka, Z.; Fiedler, A.; Popp, A.; Seyidov, P.; Anooz, S. B.; Blukis, R.; Rehm, J.; Tetzner, K.; Pietsch, M.; Dittmar, A.; Ganschow, S.; Akhtar, A.; Remmele, T.; Albrecht, M.; Schulz, T.; Chou, T. S.; Kwasniewski, A.; Suendermann, M.; Schroeder, T.:Bickermann, M.,Advanced Materials Interfaces;(2025),
544-nm Tb3+-doped LiYF4 laser pumped by 488-nm InGaN laser diodes and high peak power operation with cavity-dumped Q-switching.Kannari, F.; Ishikawa, T.; Tanaka, H.; Shioya, Y.:Yasuhara, R.,Applied Optics;(2025), 83-90
Acoustic Loss in LiNb1-xTaxO3 at Temperatures up to 900 °C.Yakhnevych, U.; Sargsyan, V.; El Azzouzi, F.; Kapp, A.; Bernhardt, F.; Suhak, Y.; Ganschow, S.; Schmidt, H.; Sanna, S.:Fritze, H.,Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science;(2025),
Adsorption pathways of boron on clay and their implications for boron cycling on land and in the ocean.Ring, S. J.; Henehan, M. J.; Blukis, R.:von Blanckenburg, F.,Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta;(2025), 74-83
An Analysis of Elusive Relationships in Floating Zone Growth Using Data Mining Techniques.Vieira, L.; Menzel, R.; Holena, M.:Dropka, N.,Advanced Theory and Simulations; (2025),
Enabling 2D Electron Gas with High Room-Temperature Electron Mobility Exceeding 100 cm2 Vs-1 at a Perovskite Oxide Interface.Hoffmann, G.; Zupancic, M.; Riaz, A. A.; Kalha, C.; Schlueter, C.; Gloskovskii, A.; Regoutz, A.; Albrecht, M.; Nordlander, J.:Bierwagen, O.,Advanced Materials;(2024),
Full Picture of Lattice Deformation in a Ge1 - xSnx Micro-Disk by 5D X-ray Diffraction Microscopy.Corley-Wiciak, C.; Zoellner, M. H.; Corley-Wiciak, A. A.; Rovaris, F.; Zatterin, E.; Zaitsev, I.; Sfuncia, G.; Nicotra, G.; Spirito, D.; von den Driesch, N.; Manganelli, C. L.; Marzegalli, A.; Schulli, T. U.; Buca, D.; Montalenti, F.; Capellini, G.:Richter, C.,Small Methods;(2024),
Light Extraction and External Quantum Efficiency of 235 nm Far-Ultraviolet-C Light-Emitting Diodes on Single-Crystal AlN Substrates.Schilling, M.; Hartmann, C.; Guttmann, M.; Juda, U.; Muhin, A.; Höpfner, J.; Wernicke, T.; Straubinger, T.:Kneissl, M.,Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science; (2024),
Prediction of impurity concentrations in AlN single crystals by absorption at 230 nm using random forest regression.Klump, A.; Hartmann, C.; Bickermann, M.:Straubinger, T.,Crystengcomm;(2024), 184-190
Thermal conductivity in solid solutions of lithium niobate tantalate single crystals from 300 K up to 1300 K.Bashir, U.; Rüsing, M.; Klimm, D.; Blukis, R.; Koppitz, B.; Eng, L. M.; Bickermann, M.:Ganschow, S.,Journal of Alloys and Compounds;(2024), 176549
Unraveling conditions for W-shaped interface and undercooled melts in Cz-Si growth: A smart approach.Dropka, N.; Petkovic, M.; Böttcher, K.:Holena, M.,Journal of Crystal Growth;(2024), 127897
In situ etching of β-Ga2O3 using tert-butyl chloride in an MOCVD system.Gorsak, C. A.; Bowman, H. J.; Gann, K. R.; Buontempo, J. T.; Smith, K. T.; Tripathi, P.; Steele, J.; Jena, D.; Schlom, D. G.; Xing, H. G.; Thompson, M. O.:Nair, H. P.,Applied Physics Letters;(2024), 242103